
I have a "perfect for me" husband that balances me so well and keeps me grounded. Where I struggle, he exceeds. We are fun, sarcastic, and have big dreams. I hope this blog is a way that our family and friends can stay in the loop with what's going on in our world.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

It has been awhile...

So Chase and I are working on 5 months of marriage and we constantly get the question, "How's married life?". We both answer that things are not very different. We both are very busy, work two jobs, and we try to have as much fun as possible. I would post some pictures of what has been going on lately but it would be students doing math problems or people buying some type of boring industrial supplies.
In a couple of weeks we are going to a wedding shower of a couple friend of ours and it is an "advice" shower. We are supposed to bring a piece of advice that we have from experience to help the new couple start their journey together. This has gotten Chase and I to talking about that lately because it is kind of a hard task. However the more we talked about it we decided on two great pieces of advice... If you love the person you are with and you truly can't imagine life without them like we feel then getting married is exciting and the married life is great. Of course everyday isn't roses but when it's right it's right and that makes compromise a lot easier. The second piece of advice is to make time for each other. Chase is big on this one... Remember what it was like when you first started dating and keep it fresh and fun. We talk about having kids (and maybe a new puppy) and how we really want to strive to take time for just us to keep our relationship healthy. Anyway just a small update on our newlywed married life. We have some very exciting events coming up including weddings, friends having babies, and vacations. Pictures and stories coming soon!